Sunday, December 5, 2010


So as you have probably noticed, I changed my layout.  Let me know what you think :)

Welcome to Bon Bons and Reveries 2.0.

And now a couple of things:
1-I'm going to try to post my review for Faefever today (Sunday).
2-I went to B&N today and I was over in the teen section for a while just looking at all the book covers and thinking "I want that"...I left the store with a copy of Dreamfever by Karen Marie Moning :)
3- I watched Eclipse tonight and so here is a little Team Jacob vs. Team Edward:


Books for Company said...

I know how you feel about looking at books and wanting them!
Look forward to seeing your review of it and l love the layout

Books for Company

Teacher/Learner said...

Love the pink background! It looks like crushed velvet. The header has such a cool effect, too.

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I didn't see your old layout, but incidently, I really love this one!
J x

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